Winter Warrior - 5 ways to thrive this season

Prioritise your sleep - Good quality sleep helps our body and mind recharge our energy levels and sets us up for the next day with positivity. Try a short meditation, gentle yoga or take a bath before bed. Try to limit being on your phone at least an hour before bed.

Boost your immunity - eat healthy and regularly to balance out the extra indulgent party food and drink we will all be consuming - all in moderation right? Think lots of warm hearty soups and broths and smoothies with added zing such as ginger! Also boost with a supplement such as echinacea and Vitamin D.  

Keep moving - We all know one of the best ways to boost your mood and reduce stress is to exercise daily, even a few minutes of walking in nature,  running or climbing the stairs will help to raise your heart rate. 

Start a journal where you can dip into when you feel the thoughts are getting too much especially around Christmas, write down your thoughts, feelings or aim for an intention for the day. It could be something to reflect back on over the weeks and check in with.

Being present - one of the most powerful ways to be in the moment is to focus the mind on one task, this could be breathing meditation, yoga, or observing something on a walk. Showing gratitude to others and helping out somebody in need can even help raise your spirits showing compassion and kindness. Even reading a story to your children or dancing it out in the kitchen can make you feel amazing and shift your mindset!

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to slow down and try these self care tips this winter as no one is going to do it for you! Remembering there is no ‘right’ way, only what you enjoy doing!


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