What to expect from your first Yoga Class

Here are a few tips for getting started on your yoga journey and banish those fears!

What to expect from a yoga class
  1. Leave your expectations at the door! One of the biggest barriers is thinking you must be as flexible as a pretzel and be able to contort yourself into some pretty adventurous poses! Well let me tell you this is a massive barrier in why people steer away from yoga and I'm here to say….YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE FLEXIBLE!

  2. Yoga is an all encompassing practice of self- discipline, balance and the relationship of mind to body connection. One of the most fundamental parts of the practice is how we can learn more about ourselves, mentally not just physically.

  3. Yoga is for all but you may want to consider if you have any existing injuries or health issues if a group class is the most nurturing environment for you. It would be beneficial to take some 1:1 bespoke sessions to understand the basics whilst getting expert advice. You can choose a single set or work with a friend and split the cost!

  4. You do not need to wear fancy expensive sports apparel, just anything comfortable and that you can move freely in! Some folk wear leggings, shorts, or loose trousers.  Can I please reiterate no jeans or skirts… yes i have had that happen before! 

  5. Another tip is please eat at least two hours prior and not a heavy meal, trust me this is not a comfortable experience! We move our bodies stimulating the digestive organs so you can only imagine!

  6. Going back to the ego, we are not here to be competitive, we are here to listen to the teacher for guidance but more importantly to have that internal headspace and dialogue with your own body. Comparison is the thief of joy and if we spend our time pushing ourselves into positions for the sake of aesthetics then we have lost the true nature of connecting to our practice.  

  7. In essence come as you are with a smile, open mind to learn and use this opportunity to explore progressively on your journey. We are ever changing and evolving and Yoga is so much more than a stretch! 

  8. My style as a practitioner and continual student of the practice is to provide a fun, explorative and fully inclusive environment to get you started. I like to be authentic and direct with my language so expect to be challenged to get your brain/ body correlation switched on. I don't like to follow the crowd so my classes are unique and anatomy inspired. I love to encourage the most powerful tool to rest and reset using soothing meditation techniques during relaxation at the end. This is where you will feel the true magic of yoga as you allow the body and mind to move into the parasympathetic nervous system. This is a deep, meditative bliss known as ‘Yoga Nidra’ or’ Yogic sleep’. You may even get a little head massage with my signature blend oil to aid release. 

    Emmas Yoga Tribe is a community - we are all in this together.

    If you have any questions, or concerns about joining a class, please do contact me. I would love to put your mind at ease and enable you to start your yoga journey!


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